Book Review: The ASSERTIVE Parent Hacks, Traps, & Strategies For Raising Authentic Teens


Parenting is difficult. Things have changed so much over the years. Now with social media on the rise, there is so much as parents we need to be aware of. Author Daniel Patterson has come to the rescue, and has written “The Assertive Parent.”

As a parent, NOTHING shocks me anymore. I have heard and seen it all…

I never thought I would sound like my mother, and frankly I never wanted to. I always thought she was overbearing and over the top. But I now have a greater appreciation for my parents and their concerns while I was growing up.  I have 4 children and I have witnessed 2 of my girls go through some extremely difficult times during their high school years. I have FINALLY found a resource to keep me up on the times. I have a son that is on his way to teenage years, and I now feel like I have the tools to navigate the storm.

Thank you Daniel Patterson for writing this book. All opinions are my own.


This book covers many important topics such as:

  • Social media awareness
  • Drugs and alcohol awareness
  • Proactive & consistent parenting
  • School & academics

This incredible book is also interactive and provides helpful checklists to help parents categorize their thoughts and concerns. It also keeps parents on their toes, and gives them inside look into the latest high school social trends. The topics discussed are EXTREMELY important and have helped me get a glimpse into an unknown world.

Parents, do you know what a Finsta is? If not, you need to read this book! 

About The Author

Patterson draws from over 15 years of experience as a high school teacher, administrator, and educational-centered parenting and teen life coach. Having received his master’s in secondary education, Patterson currently runs a full-time consulting firm, Patterson Perspective Inc. To date, he has worked with over 100 families, helping teens reach their full capacity in academic and social frameworks through positive reinforcement and giving parents the necessary tools for their children to achieve this.

About The Book

“The Assertive Parent” is a practical roadmap for parents seeking to build autonomy, authenticity, and resilience in their teenage children. The book tackles four significant topics, including substance abuse and family communications and systems. Readers will experience a solution-oriented, judgment-free, and plug-and-play resource that provides a framework for successfully modifying their approach to parenting teenagers.

“The Assertive Parent” is available for $18 at For more information visit

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About the Author

Angela Camacho
Author with 354 posts
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Angela Saldaña Camacho – SoCal Latina lifestyle content creator with a passion for the arts, creativity, culture, good food, style, travel, and adventure…


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