Written By: Vanessa Bañuelos-Dawson

Whatever it takes.
Walt Disney Studios and Marvel Studios do whatever it takes to give movie and comic book
fans the proper ending to an 11-year arc of its treasured universe with AVENGERS: ENDGAME.
Sure to be one of the biggest grossing films in both studios’ history, ENDGAME directly picks up after super-villain Thanos’ (Josh Brolin) iconic snap in Avengers: Infinity War (2018). Released
nearly a year after Infinity War, Endgame doesn’t waste time getting to the heart of the most monumental questions: Where do we go, and what do we do after Thanos’ snap?
Earth is a now a completely new place for the Avengers team. The survivors, lead by Iron Man
(Robert Downey Jr.) and Captain America (Chris Evans), are faced with challenging
tasks–grieving and moving forward. Forward is a different direction for each of the surviving
Marvel characters. Ultimately, a plan is devised that puts everything on the line in true
superhero fashion.
Director-brothers Anthony and Joe Russo’s Endgame is a true gem. It is a nod to the truest
Marvel fans, and a wink to the fans of the standalone Avengers movieverse. It’s not necessary
to cram all 21 Marvel films into your Blu-Ray player in preparation, but it certainly gives you the
chance to be nostalgic for all the moments that are timeless in the Marvel universe. Believe me,
there are too many to count, and Endgame is the senior-year yearbook everyone is waiting for.
Stan Lee would be proud.
Audiences have pondered all sorts of endings to this Avengers series, and in the end it is
straightforward and complete. The journey of your favorite character may not be what you
anticipate, but that is where Endgame’s humanity lies. Everyone lost someone after Thanos’
snap. Everyone will do whatever it takes.
Endgame will have its moments where you will laugh at a clever inside joke (the film is loaded
with them) and in the next minute cry every tear you thought you had (there will be many times for that too).
It’s incredible to know that the end is near, as this arc ends with Spider-Man: Far From Home,
releasing July 5, 2019. Disney and Marvel have a wealth of opportunity for the future. After all,
the end is a new beginning.
AVENGERS: ENDGAME releases in U.S. theatres on Friday, April 26.

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