Written By Matthew Banuelos
“Do you like scary movies? What’s your favorite scary movie?” (Scream-1996)
Hello, boils and ghouls, this is Instagram’s spookiest So-Cal blogger, the MovieMacabreNerd coming to you for a special news update. As you all know, the GREATEST and SCARIEST time of the season is slowing creeping its ugly head upon us. Halloween, the Season of the Witch is close at hand. What does that mean, you may ask? Well, kiddies, tricks and treats, of course! I am here, today, in place of your favorite and lovely QueenLatinaBee to announce that I have one heck of a treat to share with you. Although this treat is not edible, it is sure to give your artistic taste-buds a MAJOR sweet tooth! This treat hails in the City of Angels. May I present to you, the one and only…. “I Like Scary Movies Experience”!

Back due to popular demand, “I Like Scary Movies” is your one stop shop for all things horror.
“I Like Scary Movies” is interactive art experience whereas the Twilight Zone’s very own Rod Sterling would say, “You are the star.” You are put into a realm where nightmares become reality, where the grotesque and terrifying transform into fantastic forms of unmatched beauty. “I Like Scary Movies” is a groundbreaking art experience and love letter to five of the horror genre’s greatest films and franchises. They include: Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining”, Wes Craven’s “A Nightmare on Elm Street”, “Stephen King’s It”, Tim Burton’s “Beetlejuice”, and lastly “Friday the 13th”.

Being the HUGE GEEK of all things creepy and crawly, I jumped at the opportunity given to me to attend this blogger’s event. There was no way I was going to pass this up. I had the honor and privilege to attend this ghastly experience with the always beautiful undead queen of the underworld, @bekah. If someone told me a decade ago that the grooviest undead photo-op art experience would be created and opened to the public audience in Los Angeles, I don’t know if I would have believed them. In a world now where superheroes and Midichlorian-postive, lightsaber-wielding Force users are “THE COOL THING” to geek over, “I Like Scary Movies” Experience makes you question that logic.
I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather take a photo in the secluded, Cabin-fever mountains of the Overlook Hotel with the axe-murder victim Grady twins or in the nightmarish dreamworld of finger-knived bogeyman, Fred Kreuger. Heck, if you enjoy watching dancing clowns float or spending your summer vacation in the forest with a masked killer on the loose, “I Like Scary Movies” has got you covered. I had a HELL of a time (pun intended) at “I like Scary Movies”. The amount of time, effort and detail (by the artists) put into everything inside this experience is sure to bring shivers to your spine.

Everything at this experience is interactive and makes for the GREATEST photos and selfies ever! This ain’t no joke, Pennywise! Buy your tickets, today for this once-in-a-lifetime gem! You can thank me later, trust me. “I like Scary Movies” Experience puts the “KI KI KI”…. in “MA MA MA”!!!!

CSUF Alumni, Horror enthusiast karaoke king, Horror cosplayer, Disney-lover, videogamer-
Instagram: @moviemacabrenerd
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