As a mother of a severely handicapped child, it can be extremely difficult for me to find resorts that accommodate to her disabilities.
Many resorts, hotels and restaurants don’t offer wheelchair accessible options. To my pleasant surprise, I learned Turks and Caicos Beaches Resort provides full wheelchair accessibility. As a matter of fact, they make it one of their commitments as a resort. I have spent countless hours schlepping my daughters wheelchair through sand and dirt, in hopes that she too could enjoy beautiful views, and exciting experiences with us. At Beaches Resorts, wheelchair users are accommodated with ramps and lifts situated throughout the grounds.
Disclosure: Thank you Beaches Resort for hosting my family. All opinions are my own.

Accommodations for guests with mobility restrictions include wider clearance on doorways, bathroom rails, lowered light switches & faucets, bathroom benches and more. These little luxuries make my world as a mother, so much easier. I regret now not taking my daughter with us, as I know she would’ve had the time of her life. It’s often risky to take my daughter anywhere we don’t know well, as we feel staff etc. can be very anxious in situations they aren’t too familiar with. The staff at Beaches Resorts however, are highly experienced and are always willing to let out a helping hand.

Sadly, my son ran a fever on the first day we arrived at the Turks and Caicos Beaches Resort. He couldn’t hold anything down, and laid sluggishly on his bed.
After being provided medicine by the resort clinic (yes, there is a physician on staff 24 hours), we constantly debated what to give him to eat. Mac and Cheese? Too heavy for his stomach. Steak and Mash? Even heavier! Our waitress approached us with the friendliest smile, offering us the daily (delicious) Indian food options. We told him about our son, and how we feared to give him anything. The cook came out to talk to us and listened empathetically, and assured us that he had the perfect meal for him. We waited a few minutes, as he approached us with most appetizing and healing fresh chicken soup.

My husband and I thanked the cook a million times, while trying to give him a tip for his selfless act. He simply said, “There is no need for tips, I hope your son feels better soon.” Let me repeat, the staff at Beaches Resorts are like no other. They truly make you feel at home, and always greet you with the warmest attitude. Which makes me believe whole- heartedly, my daughter can one day experience the delightful people of Turks and Caicos like we have. One last thing, did I mention my son was better seemingly overnight? That soup was magical; but so is Beaches resort.

Thank you Beaches Resort for your incredible hospitality! This trip will down in our family memory book forever… Book your stay at Beaches Turks and Caicos today!
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